May 05, 2020 2 min read

 You are celebrated during National Nurses Week for the many contributions and sacrifices you make for our patients and their families.  

National Nurses Week begins each year on May 6 and ends May 12 — the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the British woman hailed for pioneering modern nursing. Nightingale died at age 90 in 1910. This year is unique, 2020 is the 200th anniversary of Florence and deemed the year of the Nurse in the midst of the pandemic. The word “essential,” in fact, is one we hear more than ever during the historical 2020 year of the nurse.

Typically, hospital executives and administrators, board members, physicians, and various healthcare professionals join in the celebrations because they know that without you, their patients would not receive the same level of care. This year is different to say the least although their recognition of how essential YOU are hasn’t changed.

Many institutions have canceled or postponed nurses week celebrations and festivities. In the Tribe RN Nurses Facebook Group we are having a virtual nurses week celebration with introductions as well as TONS of giveaways!!!

Hospitals, Newspapers, and TV stations run stories on nurses who have gone above and beyond in their patient care.

Grateful patients and family members post their gratitude on social media. Even Hallmark sells nurse-themed greeting cards.

The spotlight is definitely on nurses in a different way than in years past, but we know our role has not changed. We are still doing what we love for the patients we serve.

As we celebrate nurses week this year in a different way, I’d like to express my appreciation, gratitude, and respect for all my fellow nursing colleagues.

Nurses UNITE!! Keep being awesome, supporting one another, and being the TRIBE!!! Together we are unstoppable!!



Freebies & Discounts for nurses during National Nurses Week


Chelsey Rodgers
Chelsey Rodgers

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